A few weeks ago a statement was brought up that really made me consider how I spend my time. This statement was "the way you spend your time is where your heart is at". This made me really contemplate how I currently spend my time and how I want to spend my time. The things that I say are important to me, but are they really important if I don't make time for it? And if I say they are important, then I need to follow through with action to confirm that they are. This is how we grow and better ourselves. Words don't really mean anything unless we back them up with action. What I have learned is that there is ALWAYS time if it is important. It is just the enemy speaking that there is no time, but if you listen to God, he is saying there is always time if you make the time. I know there is a limited amount of hours in a day and things come up, but you can always find time for it if it is important to you. So I challenge you to think about how you spend your time and ...