A couple Sundays ago, the pastor gave a sermon that really struck a chord with me. It is called “Alive and Free in the New Year” and I have put the link below if you want to listen to it. It is a really great sermon with a lot of great points, but there was one point that really stood out to me - and this was surround yourself with more people that call you back to the truth! We have too many people in our lives that say do what you want or do what makes you happy. But this way of thinking could hurt yourself or the people around you if doing what you want or what makes you happy is leading you down the wrong path. We need people in our lives that will confront us with grace and call us back to the right path. The path towards God instead of the opposite direction. Even if it is not what you want to hear at the time, you will be thankful for these people in the long run. A small time frame of being upset at someone for saying something is better than nothing being said, and being unhappy in the long run because you have been walking the wrong path for so long.
We also need more people in our lives that when the going gets tough, they say “stay.” We have too many people that when our feelings are hurt or someone does us wrong, they say “end it, get out, go.” We need more people that say “stay, stick, work, be faithful, don't run.” But don't get me wrong, it is okay to let go and walk away from people if they are toxic and are leading you down the wrong path. Sometimes no matter the amount of work you put in to try to walk a different path with someone, it doesn't work and things don't change. If this is the case, it is okay to say “I am done with you.” This doesn't mean that you care or love people any less. It just means that you need to be on the right path and these people aren't helping you get there.
So as we start a New Year look at the people you surround yourself with and don't be afraid to make some changes if need be. And just remember that letting go of toxic people will only make more room for the good stuff!
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